With our leadership team having a strong background in corporate security enables Intraforce Ltd to offer an efficient and reliable service.

Having a well-presented security officer in a full suit at the front of your premises, not only give our customers peace of mind but when our officers great staff, contractors, and customers it gives an incredible first impression of the customer. This instantly offers smaller offices a higher profile and image and larger companies with the ability to use our officers as receptionists, gatehouse operatives and visitor contacts, which gives the visitor an exceptional service for the smallest of matters.

Intraforce Ltd also offers CCTV licenced operatives this is mostly an officer with multiple licences. Again, offering exceptional value for money as they can monitor the entire site via the CCTV system whilst being on hand at reception, gate house or front door to be the face of your company.

With health & Safety being a high priority for most businesses Intraforce Ltd can provide officers with both first aid and fire marshal training. This can often act as a safety net for our customers to have the minimum number of safety workers on site during holiday periods and any adhoc holiday and sickness periods. Again, fulfilling our company value of delivering an exceptional service and peace of mind for our customers.

Investing in Intraforce Ltd’s corporate services further enhances the security of the premises and the profile of your business to customers and all visitors.

Chris Key – Head of Client Services – “The Right Person + The Right Plan = The Correct Service”